I had to rebuild my PC recently and was forced to recreate my music library with all its tracks and library art. WMP doesn't appear to offer any backup utility for this which is odd. Anyhow this is the process I followed to restore everything as was.
I made things easy by doing a full backup image of my C drive before rebuilding my system (with a previous image) - I use True Image (v.11) for this. With my new system updated, I installed WMP v.11. I then went into my True Image and restored the following files and folders from this location:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player
Art Cache (Folder)
These last two I'm not sure are needed but the first two certainly are. Bingo - everything loaded up in WMP as was - phew!
Make sure of course all your actual media files are in the same place as they were (mine are all stored on a removeable USB drive).
But then I had a problem actually seeing the music on my Pinnacle Homemusic network player. It connected fine but would show "0 items" when I tried to play anything. After searching the Roku newsgroups, found this suggestion:
Try Removing and Adding back monitored folders
1. Open windows media player
2. Go to Library
3. Remove the folders that Windows Media is watching for content
4. Quit WMP11 5. Re-open WMP11, and add your music folders back
I first made sure the Rip musc folder was correct (it wasn't). And then checked this folder was monitored - it was after selecting as Rip folder. I deselected everything else and when I ok'ed the dialog box it checked 1000 odd tracks. After it'd done this I exited and reloaded WMP and reconnected to the Pinnacle box - and it worked!